Health Department

a) No of Total Population : 63,296 ( Source Census 2010 )
b) No of Total Area : 17.86 sq K.M
c) No of Total Ward : 20
e) No of Total Mouja : 18
f) No of Total Health Sub - Centre : 05
g) No of Total Health Officer : 01
h) No of Total Medical Officer : 01
i) No of Total M & S Cell Staff : 05
j) No of Total F.T.S : 05
k) No of Total H.H.W : 22
l) No of Total Beneficiary Population : 27,526
m) No of Total Beneficiary Family : 5,345
n) No of Total Under 1 YearChildren : 331
o) No of Total Under 1 to 5 Year Children : 1371
p) No of Total Eligible Couple : 4272
q) No of Total Pregnent Women : 198
r) No of Total I.C.D.S Centre : 30

2. Mobile Number of M & S Cell Staff, FTS & HHW
Health Officer : 9474599575
Medical Officer : 9434408630
Sanitary Inspector : 9734652105
Health Clerk & S.K : 9474069739
Computer Asst. : 9474617300
Accounts Asst : 9932568889
Health Asst : 9732863112
F.T.S ( Sub-Centre-01 ) : 9609126108
F.T.S ( Sub-Centre-02 ) : 9800231078
F.T.S ( Sub-Centre-03 ) : 9233164071
F.T.S ( Sub-Centre-04 ) : 9800001683

Schedule Day of 5 Nos Sub - Centre
Sl. No Day Sub Centre-1 Sub Centre-2 Sub Centre-3 Sub Centre-4 Sub Centre-5
1 Mon Day Immunisation(P.P. Unit) 1st Week ANC / PNC 1st Week Awareness 1st Week Growth Moni. 3rd Week Treatment by MO Per Week
2 Tues Day ANC / PNC 2nd Week Treatment by MO Per Week Growth Moni.1st Week Immunisation(P.P. Unit) 1st Week Awareness 2nd Week
3 Wednes Day Treatment by MO Per Week Awareness 2nd Week Immunisation(P.P. Unit) 1st Week ANC / PNC 3rd Week Growth Moni. 4th Week
4 Thurs Day Awareness 4th Week Growth Moni.2nd Week ANC / PNC 2nd Week Treatment by MO Per Week Immunisation(P.P. Unit) 1st Week
5 Fri Day Growth Moni. 1st Week Immunisation(P.P. Unit) 1st Week Treatment by MO Per Week Awareness 1st Week ANC / PNC 4th Week
6 Sat Day Meeting at M&S cell office Meeting at M&S cell office Meeting at M&S cell office Meeting at M&S cell office Meeting at M&S cell office

Maternal & Child Health Care during the year 2009 - 2010
a) No of Total Pregnant cases detected up to March,2010 = 458
b) 3 ANC cheek-ups completed in how many cases up to March,2010 = 310
c) 3 PNC cheek-ups completed in how many cases up to March,2010 = 92
d) Total No of under 1 Year children position as on 1st April 2010 = 285
e) Total No of fully immunized under 1 Year children up to March 2010 = 199
f) Municipal BPL househlds as per 2006 SUDA Survey = 5484
g) Municipal BPL househlds up to March 2010 SUDA Survey = 27526
h)No of Total Population = 63,296 ( Source of Census 2010)